Come watch Mr. Bianco’s magnificent moving cartoons. They form a moving panorama that tells a riveting story in forty-nine animated and colorful tableaux. Perils by the sea and land, battles, sieges, victories, adventures, cruel tortures, and sufferings of the heroic and invincible Garibaldi, the hero of two worlds, the Italian icon. We are in Nottingham, England, around Christmas in the year 1860, and the news of Garibaldi’s latest enterprise is still fresh. Accounts of his expedition to Sicily with a thousand volunteers to free the kingdom of Naples from the yoke of the Bourbon Regime have been spreading all over Europe via illustrated news. Now Garibaldi's epic battles are reenacted in this multimedia spectacle. The rapt spectators of this show travel virtually alongside Garibaldi and his band of red shirts. You can travel with them in our simulation to witness history in the making.