Shadow Plays: Virtual Realities in an Analog World

Chapter 5, Note 32

Marcella Pellegrino Sutcliffe, “Negotiating the ‘Garibaldi Moment’ in Newcastle-upon-Tyne (1854–1861),” Modern Italy 15, no. 2 (2010), 130. These panoramas included Hamilton and Gompertz who first introduced the Garibaldi theme “in conjunction with the illustrated landscapes of the Rhine” in September 1860 in the Victoria Rooms in Bristol (“Views on the Rhine” and the “Achievements of Garibaldi in Sicily”), suggesting, as we shall see, a crucial connection between virtual tourism, news, and historical spectacles. Marcella Pellegrino Sutcliffe, “Marketing ‘Garibaldi Panoramas,’ in Britain (1860–1864),” Journal of Modern Italian Studies 18, no. 2 (2013): 234. See also, “Other Garibaldi Panoramas and Dioramas: Gompertz and Hamilton” (available at and two advertisements for Gompertz’s spectacle (available at

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