Shadow Plays: Virtual Realities in an Analog World

Chapter 5, Note 28

Langlois used photography to document the terrain before painting his panorama, a terrain “where we find even today” as the Explication of the Panorama of the Battle at Solferino adds “deep traces of that memorable day.” Available at This post-facto survey (a series of eighteen photographs by Paul Marcellin Berthier, of which fourteen have survived) is the scientific basis for a broader operation, one which turns the battleground into a lieu de memoire, a memory landmark, as Robichon has written. François  Robichon, “Le panorama, spectacle de l'histoire,” in Jean-Charles Langlois (1789–1870): Le Spectacle de l’Histoire. Catalogue of the Exhibit Presented at the Musée des Beaux Arts de Caen (2005): 23.

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