Shadow Plays: Virtual Realities in an Analog World

Chapter 4, Note 45

The letter contains a funny description of their wandering that it is worth quoting in its entirety: “If ever that Don Cicote [sic, Quixote] of my brother Francesco, that wandering knight were with you, tell him that I am like [Ariosto’s] Mad Roland, that when I’ll meet him again I’ll fight him desperately, but with hugs of pure and brotherly love, since this has been always the way in which we use to fight among modern wandering knights...I want to make him eat polenta and quails for three days, and me too, since it is twelve years that I haven’t eaten it myself.” The letters can be read in Luigi Gaudenzio, Giovan Battista Belzoni alla luce di nuovi documenti (Padua: Draghi, 1936), 27–29.

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