Shadow Plays: Virtual Realities in an Analog World

Chapter 1, Note 8

In a letter written from his voluntary seclusion at Môtiers, the French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau thus describes his desire for such a contraption: “In my condition, secluded as I am more than six months a year, I long for amusements that may provide a distraction to the journeys of my mind […] I need backdrops, perspectives, boulevards, galleries, seashore, in short anything that creates a distance and extends space.” Jean Jacques Rousseau, Letter to Jean André De Luc, 20 December, 1764, in Correspondance générale de J. J. Rousseau collattionnée sur les originaux annotée at commentée par Théophile Dufour (Paris: Colin, n.d.), vol. 12, 151–53.

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